miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016
martes, 12 de abril de 2016
As drink sea water to improve your health
As drink sea water to improve your health
Sea water is not just water with salt. According AQUAMARIS Foundation, the Japanese have discovered that seawater containing at least 95 elements of the periodic table of elements 118 that currently have it. This is important to know because drinking seawater bring to our cells all the elements they need to perform well all its functions.
It is clear that if the functioning of our cells is excellent physical illnesses will not come to us and therefore we will enjoy a very good physical health.
Like drinking sea water: Procedure
To learn how to properly drink sea water first thing to know is the salt concentration of seawater. Sea water has a concentration of 36 grams / liter and the concentration of salt in our body is 9 grams / liter of internal fluids (blood, intercellular fluid, intracellular fluid, etc.).
Therefore, what we have to do is give our lowered seawater with fresh water so that the concentration of salt we eat is the same as our body (9 grams / liter) body. That what we do is to mix in a bottle 3 parts of fresh water with a portion of seawater.
I do the following:
To collect sea water as clean as possible, it is advisable to go to sea with the bottle closed until water cover you shoulders. Then you sink the bottle closed until put between your legs and open the cap, you let the bottle of seawater is filled and shut without moving from your legs. Now you can take the bottle between your legs and take her home. Thus you have not caught or water from the seabed (which may contain ground) or surface water (which may contain some solid element that might be floating). Anyway, when you get home, if you see that sea water that has collected has some sand or some other type of solid element, what you can do is filter it with the help of a cloth or a clean cloth.
Then, in a plastic bottle of 1.5 liters, put 2 glasses of seawater and freshwater 6 glasses. For every glass of seawater you get, you have to add 3 cups of fresh water to the mixture. Thus the final concentration is 9 grams / liter, the concentration needed exactly organism. To this mixture of seawater with fresh water I add lemon juice to taste more pleasant to drink.
Now you know how to drink sea water but you must surely be wondering: How much sea water I can drink up on a day to be beneficial for my body?
According to the AQUAMARIS Foundation, we can drink up to 250 milliliters of seawater mixed with 750 milliliters of fresh water a day. That is, you can drink up to 1 liter of mixture (seawater and freshwater) a day. Personally, I drink a glass a day mixing (250 milliliters). It is important to drink water in small sips to all minerals contained therein, it can be well absorbed by the body. We also recommend that you first try only a sip for you to check if in your case you have some kind of allergic reaction to seawater.
Seawater has many more properties beneficial to your health than you think. Personally, since drinking sea water I feel more vital energy. Now that you know how to drink seawater, you'll be able to give all your cells everything they need to stay in optimal health.
lunes, 4 de abril de 2016
foods rich in zinc
foods rich in zinc
Zinc is a mineral that plays a fundamental role in our immune system. Also it contributes to assimilate proteins and carbohydrates and is essential for the functioning of enzymes and therefore for energy production.
Zinc also helps the communication of cells of the body and works as a neuro-transmitter. A zinc deficiency can lead to stunted growth, diarrhea, impotence, hair loss, skin lesions and eye problems and poor appetite immunity. By contrast, short-term, excessive intake of zinc can cause nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal cramps, diarrhea and headaches and long term, can alter the absorption of copper and iron. As a general rule, animal foods are better sources of zinc plant food. The recommended daily value (% DV) for zinc is 15 mg.
Almost any type of crab is a great source of zinc. Alaskan king crab, in particular, provides a good amount: 7.6 mg (51% DV) of zinc per 100 gram serving, which is equivalent to 10.2mg (68% DV) on a grinding wheel size medium and 6, 5 mg (43% DV) in one portion 3 ounce.
The lamb meat is common in the Middle East, the Mediterranean and most of Europe, but its popularity in the Americas is increasing every day. Lamb provides between 4.2 and 8.7mg of zinc per serving of 100 g (28% - 58% DV) depending on the cut. It can provide up to 7.4mg (49% DV) in a serving of 3 ounces (85 grams).
Groundnuts / peanuts are an excellent source of zinc. 100 grams of oil roasted peanuts provide 6.6 mg (44% DV) of zinc, 8.8 mg (59% DV) in 1 cup chopped peanuts and 1.9 mg (12% DV) per ounce (~ 39 units). Roasted peanuts provide half of zinc: 3.3mg (22% DV) per serving of 100 grams, 4.8 mg (32% DV) per cup, and 1 mg (6% DV) per ounce.
black chocolate and cocoa powder
Every day more, chocolate demonstrate the health benefits of dark or bitter chocolate. Chocolate and unsweetened baking provides 9.6 mg (64% DV) of zinc per 100 g serving. Cocoa powder, sugar, provides 6.8mg (45% DV) per 100 grams, or 5.4 mg (39% DV) per cup, 0.3 mg (2% DV) per tablespoon. Most milk chocolates provide about 2.3 mg (15% DV) per serving of 100 g.
Watermelon Seeds / dry Patilla
Like pumpkin seeds, watermelon seeds are a popular food in the Middle East and East Asia. The can be eaten raw when eating watermelon can grill or oven. Watermelon seeds, dried, provide 10 mg (70% DV) of zinc per serving of 100 g, 11 mg (74% DV) per cup, and 3 mg (19% DV) per ounce.
Pumpkin seeds / pumpkin
Pumpkin seeds are a popular food in the Middle East and East Asia. Contains approximately 10 mg (70% DV) of zinc per serving of 100 g, 6.6 mg (59% DV) per cup, and 3 mg (19% DV) per ounce (~ 85 seeds). When preparing pumpkin, save the seeds and roast in the oven. To eat them, you must break the outer shell and eat the seed that is inside.
6 Butter and flour Sesame
Sesame butter, sesame flour and all derivatives of this food are excellent zinc providers.
We're talking about that we bring up to 70% of the recommended daily dose.
Get ready !, Pascualinas more often because spinach is a delicious alternative for all that zinc is missing you. To give you an idea, 100 g you get 5% of the amount you need daily.
Zinc is also present in the white mushrooms and cooked if you consume, the better! You'll be gaining about 6% of what you should consume in a day.
Last but not least rich in zinc, we tell you that wheat germ is another large container of this mineral. In fact, 100 g of toasted wheat germ have more than 100% of the required amount of zinc in a day.
Now that you know this list of foods rich in zinc, we can only say: go for them!
Health benefits
Even a mild to moderate zinc deficiency may depress immune function healthy immune system due to impaired function of macrophages and neutrophils and associated effects. Zinc is also essential for the creation and activation of lymphocytes. In addition, low levels of zinc have been associated with increased susceptibility to pneumonia and other infections in children and the elderly.
Relief (* Controversial) Common Cold There are conflicting studies on whether zinc supplements may or may not relieve common cold symptoms and shorten its duration. At least one study confirms the reduction of the duration of cold symptoms, however, other studies report that there is no positive effect. Since it has not reported any damage, increased zinc intake could only help.
Healing Cuts and Wounds Zinc is essential for maintaining skin and mucous membranes healthy. Suitable zinc levels are necessary for wound healing.
Reducing the severity and duration of diarrhea Studies show that increased zinc intake may reduce the duration and severity of diarrhea, especially in malnourished children with infections.
Prevention and Harm Reduction in age-related eye Consumption zinc and vitamins C, E, and beta-carotene, have been associated with a reduction in macular age-related degeración.
domingo, 3 de abril de 2016
Camomile or Chamomile
Camomile or Chamomile
Camomile or Chamomile
Is an herb that usually grows wild, and exist in its genre three different varieties. Species of common and Roman chamomile are characterized by small white flowers, unlike the dog chamomile. The first two have many uses in medicine and perfume, while the third is used as a component of some poisons used in fumigation. It easily adapts to almost any condition, although it is native to the subtropical regions of Europe and Asia. Its flowers, very characteristics are similar to a very small, very small and fragile white petals daisy and have a predominant yellow center. They are generally very aromatic flowers with a pungent flavor, and usually appear in spring. Its stem can reach half a meter tall, and is herbaceous and erect carriage.
Their teas are used worldwide, either to take them as a drink, apply on the skin, hair and even for use as a mouthwash. There are many benefits that this herb for health, unComo tell you exactly what the medicinal properties of chamomile are.
Benefits of Manzanilla
To prepare an infusion correctly: To achieve maximize the properties of this plant fresh consumption is recommended. It is prepared in the form of hot tea with 10 grams of flowers or branches per liter of water, making sure that cooking herbs not excessive and covering the container where the preparation is carried out as evaporation can subtract capacity of its properties . Sweeten with honey is recommended for both flavors complement each other well.
Rheumatism, cramps and nervousness: Drink a cup of chamomile tea. It is a wonderful anxiolytic.
To calm overexcited, nervous or malgeniados children: In a bowl with half a liter of water add 4 teaspoons of dried chamomile and let stand with the lid on, after that pour the tea into the tub.
Stomach aches, menstrual cramps: Drink a cup of chamomile tea and put poultices on the same floor on his stomach. The same preparation works effectively to expel intestinal gases.
Fever: chard shredded bark with mallow and chamomile is helpful in febrile states of the organism.
Asthma: In infusion, mix peppermint and chamomile in equal proportions. Taking it for asthmatics access.
Chamomile can also serve for skin care and hair. And nourishing facial chamomile-based creams help remove impurities from the skin and to treat irritations.
On the other hand, it contains properties that act against itching of the scalp, flaking and also leaves a twinkle in her hair.
May cause slight irritation in some people dela skin and other symptoms of allergies usually minor, but can be complicated in some cases. It is advisable to check the degree of sensitivity you have to this plant.
viernes, 1 de abril de 2016
Features and Benefits of Clay Skin
Features and Benefits of Clay Skin
Take advantage of the properties of clay and prepare your own masks, peelings, anti-cellulite plasters or ointments for muscle aches and regenerate wounds and burns.
Clay or mud can help you have a clean skin without blackheads, pimples or blackheads. Natural mud or clay masks are ideal for oily and normal skin.
Uses of clay or mud beauty
The clay or mud has been used since ancient times for medicinal purposes and trims. Pre-Columbian cultures of Mexico have used clay to heal and preserve.
Types of clay or mud
There are several types of clay. Some types may be difficult to achieve but not others. Usually in cosmetics French green clay or clay is used. This clay is readily available in health food stores.
There are also clay or white clay is best for dry skin and red clay containing minerals good for the skin. All clays have similar properties and are used in the same way.
If clay is used in delicate, sensitive or dry skin can cause minor irritations. In these skin care should be taken mixed with soothing essential oils such as Neroli. Clay to help clean is highly recommended for skin prone to acne is the amount that we use the best quality clay, clay common use for cosmetic purposes is not recommended.
Properties Clay
It stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system
Clay (especially white and green) has an extraordinary capacity to provide cold and thereby stimulate circulation and cleanse the lymphatic system, reducing fluid retention and congestion in case of cellulite and varicose veins.
Regenerates tissues
Thanks to its many minerals, not only contributes to the natural defenses of the skin, but also provides some essential nutrients cells to heal damaged tissue, thus favoring their reproduction and regeneration.
One of the most important qualities of the clay is having a great capacity to absorb all kinds of substances and toxins, ie, it exerts a great disinfectant and antiseptic dragging all types of impurities from the skin to the outside.
Soothing and anti-inflammatory
The clay has a calming effect instantaneous. Even in the most sensitive skins (at least in our experience), with dermatitis, wound, swelling or skin conditions and muscles, calm clay and reduces pain and inflammation.
Immune system booster
Clay is a substance rich in many minerals that nourish the skin and, through it, enter the bloodstream providing essential micronutrients for the biological functions of the organism. Clay is a great revitalizing skin cells and providing elements that stimulate their natural defenses thus contributing to strengthen our immune system.
Clay or mud masks
1 Put the water with clay. Mix it up to form a smooth paste. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. If the mixture is too thick add water if water has a lot of added clay. the amount of mixture depends on where you will use. For the face with a tablespoon of clay it is enough.
1 Wipe your face, take off your makeup and be sure to remove your eye makeup.
1 Apply the mixture on face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Lie down and close your eyes.
4) Leave the mask on for 15 or 20 minutes.
1. The mask is active while this dry wet when it stops working.
In short, along with vegetable and essential oils, clay is one of the star elements in providing health and repair damage our skin and provide vital energy to our body.
Arvense Equisetum or Horsetail
Arvense Equisetum or Horsetail
Horsetail is rich in silicon. Thanks to its cleansing properties helps to eliminate toxins, bacteria and fungi, thus preventing the appearance of pimples and eczema.
What is it horsetail
Thanks to its regenerating, astringent and diuretic properties, horsetail has numerous applications in the medical and aesthetic field. Some of its most common uses are the treatment of fluid retention and hair loss, which dedicated a specific section.
We review the main properties of horsetail or Equisetum arvense:
Improves hair health: its silicon content also benefits the hair, enhancing its growth and improve its texture. It also prevents gray hair, baldness or dandruff.
Regenerating and healing: is a powerful cell regenerator and helps to improve wound healing and skin tags.
Controls bleeding: thanks to its astringent properties, horsetail can control or even cure bleeding. We recommend it in case of bleeding wounds, nosebleeds, skin ulcers or very heavy periods.
Improves flexibility of tendons, very useful for people who perform strenuous exercise regularly or suffering from sore tendons.
Remineralizing: its high and varied mineral content makes this plant a powerful remineralizing, ideal to nourish our bones and prevent its weakening, as in cases of osteoporosis or cavities, or to improve healing of bone injuries. It also helps us in times of fatigue, exhaustion, fatigue, convalescence, anemia, among others.
Improves skin condition and nails: its high silicon content, which helps form collagen, deeply nourishes the skin and nails, and thanks to its cleansing properties allows us to keep them clean of toxins and bacteria and fungi. Thus, horsetail helps prevent the appearance of pimples, eczema and wrinkles, and may even fade stretch marks.
Diuretics: is possibly best known for helping to eliminate excess fluids in our body, thanks to its content in potassium, flavonoids and sapónidos medicinal plant. You can increase up to 30% the amount of urine. Therefore it is recommended to fluid retention, edema, reumatitis, gout, kidney stones, urinary infections, among others.
Thinning: precisely because of its diuretic property, this plant helps us to lose weight, but we must consider that we will not eliminate excess fluid if not fat.
Purifying: its ability to remove liquid is added to eliminate toxins, so this plant, combined with others such as milk thistle, nettle, dandelion or burdock, allow us to purify our body of toxic elements . We can make a cure purifying a couple of times a year, in autumn and spring, taking daily infusions of these plants.
Acne: Prepare an infusion of horsetail, wait for it to cool and apply with a cotton after washing your face at night. Infusion avoid contact with eyes.
Slimming: Take infusions of horsetail is useful for weight loss because it helps remove excess fluid from the body while recovering body balance because it also removes toxins.
Wrinkles: Take a cup of horsetail tea a day to combat them.
Hair loss: Horsetail is a very popular remedy for treating hair loss. Here's how to use it to strengthen hair and stop the fall.
Open ends of hair: To strengthen and restructure the hair is recommended to use shampoo to wash horsetail head.
Canas: Take a cup of tea a day to prevent them from leaving.
How do we take?
The most common way to take it is in tea, boiling the plant for five minutes and letting it sit another five. If we want to treat a particular ailment recommend taking three cups a day for a month and a half later to rest for a few weeks. The treatment can be repeated throughout the year.
Where do we get it?
We can buy in health food, diet or in some supermarkets, because it is a well known plant. We can get to make tea or extract or tablets, depending on the intensity of treatment we want to do either of our comfort. For the latter cases we recommend consulting with a therapist or doctor.
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